Our first attempt to ride together was thwarted by bitter cold and abject Californian Weather Weenieness (Read: JoLynn's report here), but this Sunday JoLynn and hit the road.
Well, some of us literally...
This was the maiden voyage for JoLynn's new clipless pedals (still have no idea why they call them clipless pedals when you "clip" in. Whatever) They say three falls makes a rider and JoLynn got one of them out of the way on Sunday, when we stopped to take a picture.
I am not sure she gets credit for the fall. 1. There was no blood and 2. She looks too fucking cute. There should at least be some embarrassing "Oh shit!" face that I can mock her for. So you be the judge. Does she have 2 more falls or 3 until she is a rider? We will ignore the fact that after only 3 months of riding she is already faster than me. (Pfft. Big whoop-ty doo! Old men with dogs riding in their bike's front basket are faster than me. I wouldn't go bragging girlie!) Either way I will makes sure I have my camera with me.
It was a beautiful ride and we had a great time. We even got to swing through her
hood and meet the fam fam.
Mr. JoLynn is just a cool as one would expect, and if I may be so bold, is quite the little hottie. The world's most photographed trail dog, Boomer, was there and it was fantastic to see his smiling face again.
Yes, JoLynn, I stole your picture and then cropped you out of it. I agree, that is pretty fucked up.
I got the meet her cats and was greeted, in true cat style, with the "what they fuck are you doing in our house harshing our mellow" look. Gotta love cats.
All in all a great ride!
Thank you, chickie! I needed that.
I believe she needs to at least bleed in order to become a rider! I hit the dirt the first time with clipless pedals (totally agree with you on the naming) standing still in front of a whole group of riders. Yea, not cool at all!
Good luck with the Mojo project!
Well, I think you both look awfully cute - not a bit of blood, sweat or snot between you. I never look this good on a ride.
Hope your mojo is smoothed over and replanted soon so it can started sprouting gangbusters (just a little mining humor - to reclaim we must smooth over and establish vegetation). : )
Love the "what the fuck are you doing in our house" from the cats! Soooooooo true! And, YES, ya just gotta love cats!
Sweet pics, I give credit to anyone who uses the clips-I would be bleeding profusely from ever trying them.
Keep the mojo up, if you can't....come to WI and enjoy the blizzard we're getting!
Project Mojo is in full effect. I seriously need RBR back in my life.
I fell with my first clipless peddles while standing still, as in not moving, talking on my cell phone. I guess I deserved it.
I am also not fast....yet. I got chicked by a guy on a Bike Friday once; humiliating. (Yes the foldable one with small wheels)
yayyy nothing like a friend to help you find the mojo :) glad you girls had fun!
Haha love your blog! Sounds like an eventful ride!
Glad JoLynn has taken you on! I wish I could come ride with you both!
I so agree, why do they call it clipless!?!?!?! WTF!
So far (knocking on every piece of wookd around me) I've only had wobbles and almost falls trying to get out of the pedals. I wish I was closer and could ride with you. I need serious practice.
Good luck with project MOJO!!
Bike... what's that? Clipless-how is that possible? so very jealous that you two live so f-ing close to each other that youc an actually meet and go for a bike ride! I have to plane weeks in advance to make the trek north-and even then I either cancel or it gets ruined!...sucks ass!
Based on your profile alone I shall read further. Remember, being able to swim is the most important part.
Yup, my hubbie is a great catch. Of this I am aware. ;)
Thanks for not telling everone I fell from a complete stand still. Phew.
If you are indeed my "projecct" then you'd better watch out because we will be spending a lot more time together. (If I'm lucky)
dude, we need to coordinate with Formulaic about you-know-what
great times!!
hey so is that Vineman count down official ???
I love your sense of humor. In my first year of riding- I fell on 50% of my rides. but who is counting. I also busted 1 helmet. I don't know if that makes me a real rider or really clumsy.
i love you're not offering to help her up. you're taking a photo for the blog. brill.
I wanna ride Tooooo! :D I promise to be "The Less Hot Chick"! And I'll probably even be slower then you - cause I'm just cool that way.
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