I have some of that type of life stuff going on. For the record, it definitely falls into the "this sucks ass" category, and yes, it is INFINITELY more important than getting my fat, slow, 40 year old ass across a full iron finish line, but I don't really feel like getting specific about it on the ol' blog.

But the question this brings up for me is, does that mean I should stop everything I do that is good for me and eat McDonald's McGriddles for breakfast every morning? (Umm... damn. That was a little too specific which makes it obvious that it is my current reality... *stuffs McDonald's bag under car seat with foot*)

Probably not.
The truth is that in my 40 years, and I suspect everyone's years, there have been plenty of times when my life was not exactly all sunshine, butterflies, and fat puppy bellies (couldn't you just die for fat puppy bellies?!)

And I have learned that I will survive it and that my life in the here and now is all that I have (well, I suppose someday I will not survive it, no one gets out of life alive, but that does not really change my point). Anyhoo, why then should I choose to make myself more miserable or forgo things or experiences that I want while I go through what is just life?
The short answer is, I shouldn't.
All of that cryptic mumbo jumbo is to say, life has thrown me some curves and I am dealing with them the best I can while trying to train for a silly triathlon in July. My priorities will be to myself, my family & friends, my work, and my training for the triathlon. In that order.
Whatever comes of that, will come of that.
I hope it culminates in a healthy, happy family cheering me across the Vineman finish line in the dead of night, but if all I get out of it is a healthy, happy family I am still the big winner and the luckiest girl I know.
Mandatory "Keep 'er honest" training report
Piss poor this week. Some of my current "life issues" make running VERY uncomfortable right now and I have only been good for about 2 mile runs since last Friday. That will hopefully be better soon.
We did the Cinderella group ride on Saturday that climbed into Alum Rock park and that went well. I did pretty good up the hills in the compact double. I did not fall over, nor did I text obscenities to my husband from the top of the climb, so that has to be a good sign right?
You are apparently not allowed to swim within 24 hours of consuming McGriddles. *shrugs* You know me, I am no rule breaker.... so , yeah, no swimming this week.
I know, I know. I will be better.