I had grand plans of posting a 'Farewell! I am off to Hawaii!' post, but I got sidetracked by .. well more on that later, as you read what could also be titled List of Additional Shit that makes 2010 Suck Ass.
Here are the pictures, I was going to use
Walrus Girl Does Hawaii! (Ok, possibly only funny to SQ. Alright, maybe not even to him, but cute, no?)
But since I am already back from Hawaii, it seems that whole We-are-off-to-Hawaii-Try-to-not-freeze-your-tuckus-off-while-you-choke-on-your-jealousy,-bitches! ship has sailed.
So, without further adieu...
Hawaii 2010
Back at the beginning of the school year, I decided that we would celebrate the end of my husband's cancer treatment by going to Hawaii for Christmas. Then I convinced my family that we are all grown adults that do not need anything and we should just skip presents this year since we would all be out of town.
Let's just say, sometimes...
I am fucking BRILLIANT.
Zero stress Christmas? Check.
2010 continues its campaign for the "Most Suck Ass Year to Beat All Suck Ass Years," so the transition to vacation was not as seamless I would have liked.
It started in November when a granola cluster, that apparently featured Titanium chips, broke my tooth. (Like how I blame the inanimate object and not my hillbilly dental constitution? Whatevs. That thing was ridiculous) Upon seeing the dentist, the following transpired:
Evil, money grubbing Dentist who is, in reality, neither evil, nor money grubbing: Ummm... wow, that is a bad break. You need a root canal, gum surgery since it broke below the gum line, and then a special cap. And, gee, this tooth behind it is chipped as well and the filling looks involved, so it may need work too. Oh, and by the way, *sadistic dentist smile* you have reached your insurance cap for the year, so it will have to all be out of pocket. (Translation for you non-dentists: "Whoa! That is one jacked up tooth. But don't worry, this is not only going to hurt like a mofo, it is going to cost you enough to put my kid through her first year at Stanford")
Me thinks to myself in true hillbilly style: Fuck that. It does not hurt now. I am waiting until 2011 when my insurance resets to fix this bitch.
Me says: Thank you, doctor. I will check my schedule and give you a call to set up the appointment (translation for you non-hillbilly types: See ya next year, sucka!)
[eerie foreshadowing music plays]
Fast forward to December 17 (THREE fucking days before departure on our very needed and very expensive Hawaiian holiday getaway) the tooth starts to hurt. A LOT.
I hear flying in a airplane is a GREAT idea when you have a toothache. I just said "fuck it", and got a prescription for pain medication and proceeded as planned.
Random picture from Hawaii to break up text block. Plumeria flowers.
At the end of November my parents returned from their 3 week vacation in Antarctica. (I know! Right? They had an amazing trip. I hope to have a picture or two to share when my dad finishes them.) On the return flight my mother developed a pulmonary embolism (blood clot to her lungs) and had to be hospitalized. The doctor told us that she "dodged a bullet" and if the clot had not scattered when it left the heart and went to the lungs it would have most likely killed her instantly or caused massive lung damage. It was pretty fucking terrifying. She is doing very well now, but her long distance flying days are over.
With mom at home and out of danger and fistful of painkillers I head off to Hawaii with hubby.
Christmas at the Ritz-Carlton Kapalua...
...with this sexy creature.
Running in Hawaii
Things I learned running in Hawaii
1. I am out of shape
2. Hawaii is humid.
3. Asthma, and by extension the asthmatic RBR, does not like humidity.
4. It does not matter where I go I end up running uphill.
5. Running while out of shape, in humidity, with asthma, and uphill sucks ass.
6. Running while on vacation in Hawaii makes you not care about 1-5.
Top of the hill, well one of them, but it is all good, brah (Yes, I am entirely too white to say "brah." My apologies to the Hawaiian people)
Scenes from my Hawaiian Running
Leaving the hotel. This is at the Bayan tree at the entrance to the hotel.
Yellow Hibiscus (the state flower of Hawaii) planted along the golf course.
Tunnel that lets you run under the Piilani Hwy.
Lush greenery along trail.
View from the near the top of the trail. It is ok to hate me now *smug grin*
GIGANTO African Snail (there were TONS of this invasive, introduced species. I will spare you the lecture about island ecosystems and introduced species)
Monarch butterflies gettin' down and dirty on the trail. No shame, those Monarchs. It was Monarch breeding season in Kapalua.
The product of the lepidopteran exhibitionists (Again, only funny to SQ and other science nerds)
This may be the last picture of me and my favorite pink run hat. To add to the wonder that has been my 2010, United airlines lost my luggage on our return trip. My run hat, water belt, sunglasses, favorite run shorts, and cute new run tops were all inside. *sigh*
You did it 2010! You won the "Most Suck Ass Year to Beat All Suck Ass Years"! Congratulations!
*sniff* I will miss you pink Puma run hat.
And lest you think I forgot you, G
Aloha (RBR style) from Hawaii!