Before vacating the premises the vermin squatter gave me some sort of Flu of Death and I have spent the last 5 days sleeping. Now, before you assume I just was hankering for a little vacay from the cherubs (oh, and we have some LIVE ones this year. Fodder for many posts to come, no doubt) I went 3 of those days sans COFFEE. Yes, that is the Middle English sans (and yes, I had to look up the etymology. Shut up, G), as in WITHOUT. NOT. ONE. DROP.
As if that was not enough to call in the CDC, I also lost 8 pounds

I must say that I am somewhat overwhelmed by the kind comments and encouragement I have received from you all regarding my current mojo-less state. I have said before, but not lately, how grateful I am to this community for inspiring, encouraging, and indulging this non-athlete in her athletic endeavors. You guys rock!

Sorry to hear you have been under the weather.
I gave up coffee back in August, so you have my deepest sympathies. It was a week long headache extravaganza. I think I made RBR look like Mother Theresa that week. thank God for green tea and what little caffeine therein lies.
I'm looking forward to hearing about the cherubs. My sis works in the schools (social worker), so I have heard some doozies (sp?).
Funny how those pounds lost in sickness come back so quickly the minute we stick a slice of toast in our mouths.
Hope you feel better and enjoy the break!
I have a mental image of Kate Moss attempting to run a 10K; I can see her legs snapping like twigs as she passes the 1 mile mark....Too much?
I really hate pests. Really, truly. I hope you feel better soon.
Hope you get to feeling better soon!
And please, please, please, NO KATE MOSS body. Really, that's just scary!
I tried to give up my diet mountain dew once...........yeah, they still haven't found all the bodies!! I just came to the conclusion that I'm going to drink it and that's that!
Hope you're feeling better soon, already 7 cases of H1N1 (aka: swine) flu in our schools here! UGH!
Take care and we are all here cheering you on!
Kate Moss's head is too big for that scrawny body. Saw you are doing the Vineman. I'm thinking about a half IM. What do you know about this course/race?
Someday soon, I'll report nothing. But not too soon, and not for too long. I greatly surpassed Rubenesque a long time ago and am in the land of Shelly Winteresque. Cheers, baby.
hope you get better...and soon. Cuz I mean..Kate Moss is Hot...but so is Desiree Ficker....hahaha
Sorry about the bug.
It will come back for ya. That mojo is closer than you think. Everyone needs a break now and then.
Still, even though your not running much of late - it is great to read a post from ya. The cherubs are lucky to have ya as their teach!
ekk i am sorry you were sick :( and i am sorry your mojo has been missing! BUT i think its good for you to be taking a little breaky before you get back into big IM training... that isnt anything to mess around with or go into already burned out right?
i see nike is on your side bar... are you doing it or no? i believe i will be running the half.
anyways we miss you out here!!!
I knew I liked you. I'd offer you some sort of wisdom, but the only wise ass comment I have is: I can't really see you 'cause I'm actually trapped inside my couch. (italicize that last part for effect)
I hope you feel better. I'm jealous of your unhealthy weight plummet.
Please let me know when you find your mojo and if mine is there too.
Can't wait for cherub stories!
Even when I am sick, I MUST drag myself up above the covers to get a cup of coffee in me. If not, I just feel more ill.
I'm really liking my bike so if you're not up to a trail run, perhaps we can ride together? I can do it all now girl so you have no excuse to not get up and do something with your bad self. ;)
i hate sickness-weight loss. it always pours itself back on (and then some). i can't feel good about it.
sorry to hear you've been feeling like junk but hope you are on the mend and resuming your regular scheduled programming.
Kate Moss is NOT hawt, no matter what the media tells me.
That puppy is way cuter.
I feel like poop too:(
Bummer about the flu bug :-(
3 days sans coffee and 8# lost (even with 4# found) would probably make me sick and mojo-less, though. I hope you're feeling better soon so you can kick Kate Moss' skinny ass.
ah the blissfull nothingness.
we have a coffee machine at the new job. I thought it was nice. Then I discovered it was filled repeatedly with starbucks coffee. and would make all the funky stuff i wanted. so now i have all the starbucks i want for free whenever i want to get up from my desk???? I'm up to 12 cups a day. My wife thinks i'm having an affair with the coffee machine. it was all i could talk about all weekend long while i was back in greenville with her and the kids. so i feel your pain with no coffee for 3 days.
been missing you lately!!! <3 feel better soon.
RBR without coffee, I don't believe it. Nope, sorry. You without coffee is like a duck without a bill (weird analogy I KNOW). You will get back into things. The 8 pound loss of LBM will soon resurface as musculature after this weekend;). Also couldn't help but notice the grammatical error on the "Your Awesome" should be "You're." Why do I notice this you ask? Well, because i have been hopelessly re-reading my work oodles of times before turning it in because of the careless mistakes I've been making lately. That or I'm just weird. Tangent. Sorry. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend. Coffee soon, promise.
I'm fighting off a bug too. :( Hope you feel better soonest so a) you can have your coffee again, b) the cherubs can have you back, and c) you can find more cute puppies and less icky Kate Moss pictures to post for us. Peace!
Now I'm sick. Is this how computer viruses spread?
That Kate Moss photo is the ugliest picture that you have posted on your should remove it. Her degree of thinness is, she smokes--yuck!! She wouldn't even make it past the swim of an Ironman! You, on the other hand, are healthy, STRONG, and beautiful, both in body and in spirit. Remember that...and, most of all, have fun. Also remember what our beloved Glaven said on the order of "what's wrong with junk in the trunk?" He's right about that, you know.....
Love the puppy pic on the other hand...and, yes, make sure that gammatical error gets fixed.
Get well and.......keep the spirit! Ann
I usually skip the flu shot, but this year, I'm second-thinking that notion. Community College students may be bigger virus-carriers than kindergartners (or they lie about it more...)
Stay well. Get back on the coffee.
Kate Moss is icky...........
That is all.
Seems like everyone is coming down with something. I try to stay in my hand sanitizer, uber cloroxed space but sadly, I have caught the bug too. I also went without coffee, only for one day though. But still, that was HUGE!
Hope you're on the mend! I'm excited to hear what plans you have next.
(I'm hoping there will be a meetup on July 31, 2010. 99% sure I'll be doing Barb's.--YIKES!!!!!)
How you doing love? Still feeling the love of Triathlon?
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