During my unofficial and unplanned blog hiatus, I seem to have acquired a squatter and and no doubt the other assorted vermin that go along with such creatures, so I better come back and regulate.

I wouldn't want it giving my platypus fleas. (and no , G, you big pervo, 'platypus' is NOT a euphemism *eye roll* There is, seriously, something wrong with you)
Oh, and in some shocking news I RAN last Sunday!! I actually ran more than 4 miles for the first time in weeks.
I went running with a teacher buddy of mine that is training for her first marathon. She wanted to run 8 so I said, "sure I suffer like no one I know, what the hell."
And, yes I was SLOW, and yes, I suffered but mostly because it was hilly as hell and 90 f-ing degrees. However , it was great to get out somewhere beautiful and just run and chat with an old friend that I do not get to see too often.
Mojo still elusive, but looking more promising
Flushed you and your big set out, dint I, B?
Good job on the run...Glaven is a douche...or even worse, a douchebag, having balls only in the anonymity provided by the internet.
And since when does first matter, unless you're Deena Kastor?
Yippee! You ran. AND you suffered! Atta girl. ;)
Ah...the refreshing, if not vulgar, but always welcome humor that is RBR with some help from Heisenberg Enterprises, LLC. My day is complete.
Way to suffer!
Every Australian fisherman I know (that'd be exactly one) has told me that a platypus is a foul mean-tempered beast that snags their lines for fun and there's nothing one can do about it, because they're protected.
Glaven, OTOH is fair game.
OMG, you all crack me up!
Nice job getting out there and running. 90's degree on top of it, yuck! We have the best four letter word in our forecast over the next week or so..........SNOW! Woo-hoo, bring on the snowshoes-I know, I'm a sick bastard!
LMAO! I think our Mojos are on vacation together.
Have ALL the mojos been absent for a while? I know that when mine (sort of) returned a few days ago I was all, Who the fuck are you? and Why should I put down this cookie? Meanwhile, run=suffer . . . axiomatic, or am I missing something?
I miss YOU. Ok, I said it. I do. I want you to come back and talk about whatever the hell it is that you want and I will not rest until you do so. Or, uh, yah. Come back!
Going to read Glaven's blog....
90 degree weather sounds good right now. We are freezing our buns out here...makes me wonder why in hell I live here...
Thanks Glaven for flushing her out...we miss her
hmmmm...I've been OK with the running mojo, but the blogging mojo? notsomuch. GAH!
I blame teaching. A girls gotta enough time for only a few things, and teaching is sucking up all of mine right now.
Go RBR 4 miles way to go!
yay for running with your friend!
And that's all G had to say to get you OUT? Dang. AND, that's all he had to say HERE? He must be sick.
Glad to know you're in one piece. Just do what ya feel like.
You are back, and that's all that matters. I have love for the platypi, a.k.a. God's Grab-bag.
this is my first ride on the RBR train...good shtuff...
run down the mojo!!
hey babe. glad you got a good run in. i'm still settling into the new digs. everything is sporadic. <3
Let's run together for Nike Women's :)
You weren't biking on the Los Gatos Creek Trail this morning at around 8:30am, were you?
I thought I saw you LOL
You called G a squatter and he said "flushed" and now I KNOW my ratio of Glaven to RBR has been too much because all I notice is the potty talk these days! So yay for you blogging and yay for your 8 mile run. (You know we don't mind hearing about the 2 milers or about Lucy or about the cherubs or...) :D
Girl where ever your Mojo went, mine follwed. It's been a while for both of us. LMAO! Whatever, lifes too short.
Just found your blog and found myself getting a good laugh. Hilarious. Sorry to hear about the troll poster. Best of luck with future runs!
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