So where did little Ms. RBR jet off to for the last 12 days, you may ask?
Now you may be thinking Alaska? WTF?
No, no, not THAT Alaska.
THIS Alaska
To see these guys.
Link to hubby's pics. KATMAI BEARS He is working on getting them loaded so keep checking back they are AWESOME!
Yes, if you were wondering, we WERE that close. Scary, but fucking AWESOME!

It was an amazing trip, but I came home to 156 emails (most were trying to sell me shit. So, no, I am not nearly that important), my Google Reader just says "A whole fucking lot" new items, I guess it gave up counting, and I have to actually go back to work this week! Ain't THAT a bitch!
I will be desperately trying to catch up on your blogs while appearing to be paying attention during my hours of mindless, end of summer-beginning of school-let's bore the snot out of you so you forget all about vacation, staff meetings and trainings.
Welcome home! Looks like an amazing adventure.
Teh B*tch is BACK!1!
And tranny-er than ever, I'm hoping!1!
FIRST (part deux)!1!)
(aka, second ... SH*T!1!)
How do you know a wolf killed whatever was attached to those antlers? Isn't that a bit of a rush to judgment, B*tch? I mean, unless you were on vacation with Teh CSI Alaska Team.
Because I happen to know that moose was killed by Sarah Palin! From a helicopter!1!Which is why she's on teh lam now, 'cause moose families hold grudges!1!
So as a wise politician once said in Her Hroic Quitting Speech: "Stawp makin' things up!"
LOL...amazing :)
Those bears are a lil too close for comfort. Pretty majestic and all, but still, toooooooo close.
Thanks for going all Grizzly Adams on us with this one. What? NO 50K trail running events in hip waders while running for your life from claws and fangs? Now that would be badass.
What was more scary - the fuzzy adorable looking bears who would eat you if they could - or, biking tour of the streets and bridges of Sacramento?
Sounds like a a great trip. Welcome back.
Those pictures are amazing! I'm with you though... Melissa can still eviscerate you. A little too close for comfort...
Welcome back beeyotch. Big thumbs up on the phots, wow! I;m thinking those hip waders could use a pink boa to up the fashionista factor.
Looks like a great trip! Good thing I didn't try to contact you while I was in CA last week. I would have felt like you were blowing me off!
(BTW, love your state and want to move there.)
Alaska is beautiful, so rugged!
Looks like a great time for sure.
Pretty soon you'll be telling us about teachers throat (you know that pesky sore throat you get after the first week of classes?!). My parents are teachers, I know all about it.
Very cool photos. Your vacay totally wins.
A non-exercise-related vacation? How boring was that?! Just kidding.
Love the bear pictures. They are so damn cute but I know, so damn dangerous too. Your hubby got some great shots.
I'm sooooo envious. I want to go to Alaska someday!!
hell yea.!! you win the bad ass vacation award!!
glad your back.
Glad you are back!
My friend goes to Alaska to visit her brothers. She just brought back fresh salmon.
Ahhhh yes the back to school informative meetings; can't wait as well!
I was wondering where you were!!
Welcome back. AWESOME vacation!!
I love that bear photo. BABY BEAR BUTT!!! Send that one in to!!
Gosh, we're going on a cruise to Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, and Cozumel. I feel like a pansy now.
glad you had a fun trip! going anywhere near bears makes me crap my pants.
Just found your blog and love it! I ran the San Francisco Marathon too...ouch!
oh what an awesome vacation!!! glad you are back now though :)
this is quite the rbr vacation. welcome home! looks like quite the vacation and experience. i'll pass on the wolves sloppy seconds though :)
Very cool photos. I humbly admit that your vacay was way more bad ass than mine this year.
Boring back to school meetings? You just described my week that ended. Class starts on Monday (GAH!)
Take a laptop with you to the meetings, then you can just look like your taking notes and get all caught up on blog reading...not that I did that this week.
I have always love the Land of the Last Frontier! Great pixs !!!
Sounds freaking awesome! I was wondering what happened to you.
Did your husband take his normal round of outstanding professional quality pics?
Welcome back!
Welcome back! Alaska is a great place to visit IN THE SUMMER. We never got closer than about a mile from grizzlies, though, so they were just tiny dots in binoculars. Awesome photo!!
What a trip that had to be! Your husband's photos are unbelievable. It had to be fairly surreal being with Treadwell's friend and being in the area where that saga unfolded. Thanks for sharing and welcome back!
Just came across your blog... Love it! So much fun to read and I can feel your excitement! Thanks for sharing!
Of course the title caught my name... I'm constantly telling myself, "Run, bitch, run!"
Great pics glad you had fun!
I was born up there (Fairbanks) but haven't been back other than a sanitized cruise.
I want to go back like YOU went!!
Good luck getting back into the swing of work too.
What a gorgeous trip!!! Soo beautiful!
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