2007 "the good, the bad and the ugly"
This is really long but I wanted to get it all down as it was both the best and worst year I have had in a long time all rolled into one
Jan 07-Feb 07: did not set any goals, as I was too miserable to think about anything positive, had not run all winter, consumed by electron microscopy class (hereafter referred to as "that stupid, fucking class") and preparing my students for the AP Exam in May 07. My friend of 16 years was diagnosed with terminal cancer. One of my best friend's gets engaged and wants to get married in July (she asks me to be in the wedding a HUGE wedding. We start doing planning like fiends), she also announces she will be moving to LA in August. Started teaching my first ever college level class (physiology lab) enjoyed it (despite the madness) and thought I may want to teach this level in the future.
March 07-April 07: My friend with the cancer's health went downhill fast. He died at the end of April. I was able to be there for him and his wife. I am still not running, I have no life outside of that stupid, fucking class and AP preparation. I decided I MUST do something outside of school or I will be insane. Started running again. Logged 13 miles in April (mostly 2 mile runs)
May 07: Students took AP exam in early May (they did AWESOME this was the ONLY good thing that came out of the first part of 2007). I did not run again until end of May. That stupid, fucking class earned its name and that coupled with my friend's death crushed my spirit. I slammed into the lowest emotional point I had hit in 15 years. I was in trouble. My weight reached an all time high. Not one stitch of my clothing fit without discomfort. I bought three pairs of work pants online to get me by until the end of the year. I had to return them THREE TIMES for increasingly larger sizes until they fit "ok". I decided to return to Jenny Craig and recommit to taking care of myself. I got my hair done, went to a dermatologist (my skin had FREAKED out), started taking supplements for peri-menopause, and most importantly got my ass running again. Then I decided to train for Nike Women's Marathon.
June 07-Oct 07: I trained for the Nike Women's Marathon with Team in Training. I logged over 300 hundred miles training for this event. I ran the Dammit Run with my dad. The first event we have ever done together. I hurt my knee two weeks before the marathon and had to walk/run the marathon, but I did it. My best friend and run buddy moved to LA. I felt the loss but we are keeping in touch. I lost 20 pounds with Jenny Craig and marathon training. I completed my third Olympic distance triathlon (Pac Grove 2007). Taught my second college level lass (microbiology lab). I started journaling (blogging) my progress to help keep me motivated and help with the depression. It helped more than I ever dreamed it could.
Nov 07- Dec 07: I have continued running. I logged a total of 421 miles in 2007 despite my late start and injury. I have lost 24 pounds total with Jenny Craig. I have registered for the Napa Valley Marathon in March. Work stress, school stress, and winter time blues still haunt me but I am MILES (horrible pun, sorry) from where I was this time last year.

1. Run 800 miles in 2008 (a little over 15 miles per week average)
2. Complete the Napa Valley Marathon and at least one other marathon, at least one half marathon, and at least two other races including the Pacific Grove 2008 triathlon and a 10 K with my friend Shelley.
3. Swim lessons, starting in June (after school gets out until the Pacific Grove triathlon)
4. Do Pacific Grove Triathlon in under 4 hours
5. Be a whole lot closer to finishing my masters degree. (i.e. be finished with classes and research and be writing thesis)
6. At least three vacations with hubby (Africa and Seattle are planned for summer 2008, then one weekend get-away)
7. Date night with hubby once a week at least 3 weeks out of the month
8. Lunch/breakfast with Mom and/or Dad once a month.
9. Send all family and friends' birthday cards ON TIME!
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