Last weekend I wrote about being talked into a 5k and surprising the crap out of myself by getting a PR. This weekend I was talked into another 5k by this lovely lady

This run was a fund raiser for the SJSU Athletic Trainers Program and my buddy H was running the show. For a little bitty 5K put on by college students, it was amazingly well run. Lots of volunteers, lots of support. Much better than many half marathons and triathlons I have done. Overall a great race.

We start promptly at 9:30 and we had to navigate a few walkers to get going, but apparently 5k's bring out a dormant competitive side in me and I started off by pushing my pace and targeting people to pass.
Skinny chicks, young chicks, dudes, you name it. People I have NO business thinking I can beat all were in my sights today. For the record, most still beat me, but I digress....
Oh, it hurt.
It hurt A LOT.
I drug LA Run Buddy with me because I was once again concerned about being dead fucking last since I was running a 5k with college students. It is always nicer to be last with someone and I know that she will stay with me even though she is much faster than me. Turns out I have her to thank for the PR I got on this race.

As we turned to the finish line this one pretty, young thing that we had been playing leap frog with, passes us. LA Run Buddy looks at me and I can see the "Oh, HELL no" look on her face and we start sprinting. I really did not think I had it in me to sprint and had I been alone I would have let Pretty Young Thing go, but LA Run Buddy was having NONE of that. We repassed Pretty Young Thing and continued to race each other to the finish (Yes, she beat me. Whatever)
When I checked my watch I could not believe it.
27:54 new PR
Now to some of you that would be an embarrassment, but for me that is like breaking the fucking sound barrier.
Way to go! If it makes you feel better, I would be ecstatic with that time. My current 5K PR is 29:30 and I would love to beat that this summer.
Two PRs in two weeks?
You are like the second most talented tranny I know!
(Right after that other one who can do that thing with his ... you know.)
I've been trying* to break 28 minutes for 3 yrs and haven't done it. (*I guess I have the excuse of the main focus being Big Sur Marathon and long distance trail runs during that time--ha!) YOU don't have a 5k goal but YOU do it on the 2nd go around! Congrat's to you....I can see where this is going---next on the agenda: SPRINT triathlons! :)
Happy training, Ann
Congrats on the PR! I love surprises like that, wait, that never happens to me...shit.
Ok, the T-shirt, scary. My HS colors were Blue/yellow and we were the Spartans..I'm have bad flashbacks.
I will be completely channeling your PR karma tomorrow morning in my effort to break 30 minutes.
I bow to you once again. Those are, like, 9 minute miles...You do rock girl!
Great job! I'd love to have that as a PR. I finally broke 30 about a month ago. I was one of the last to cross the finish line and one of the happiest!
congrats on the pr and beating the PYT! as always, thanks for the laughs :) loved the sound-barrier line.
Way to break the fucking sound barrier!!! Hell, it's all relative and that rocks. Way to go. 5Ks DO hurt, a lot.
Great job! What IS happening to you?
Great effort and congrats. Like the race T's!
Excellent! You must be doing something right in your training! Of course, now we will expect PRs from you all the time :)!
Congratulations, RBR! Woohooo.
Two PR's in two weeks in friggin' AWESOME!
Funny, I made a friend run a training run with me last weekend. I knew I'd be last in our group of whippets, and I was, but she was right there with me. Makes a huge difference. :-)
okay. I'm officially jealous.
What's your secret? I would kill for that time...
Congrats on your PR! Great to see it!
Excellent time! I don't think I could get there. Way to go!
I would kill for that PR!!! You are fast!!! Woot Woot!!!
I wish I lived closer-I'd run all these races with you but I wouldn't be much help with a PR!
I'd say the hot friends get pulled in by the gravitational field of the Walrus Girl's Jenny Craig defying ass, but....
PR! Woo-hoo! Yay! Oh frabjous day; kalloo, callay!
Great job on the PR. I got 27:15 in my last 5K and I was estatic. I am not fast either but I am working my way towards speediness. I believe you are too!
I've been told I'm a hot girl magnet. Uh ohs we are in trouble!
Thanks so much for coming out! Had a blast and we appreciated you and your buddy's support:)
Congrats on your PR!
5k's huuuurrrt like a bitch. 3.1mi of sheer torture.
Again two comments:
First, you are seriously going to need to find another name for yourself besides thunder thighs. I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt when I saw your last photo with your 'hawt friend' because it was years old. This excuses. I had that photo examined by medical experts and they could not find a hunka-chunka anywhere! You are looking good!
Second, 27:54?!! That's a 9:00m/m! You are smoking it! I am blown over by your speed. Seriously, when did you become mrs. speedy?
Awesome job. This defintely goes into the bank of badass!
yay!!! congratulations for breaking the sound barrier :)!!!
Congrats! You totally beat my lame PR.
That's awesome!! I would love to run that...I'm getting close but not quite there yet. Isn't it funny how you get more competitive as you get a little faster, at least I do!
RBR is very nice. Her oviducts are very nice: Nice duct on the right; even nicer on the left. They're so nicey-nice they could be Kanadian.
I mean that in the nicest sense.
Have a Nice Day.
[mumbled: tranny]
great race report!
dude that is AWESOME. (I'm hoping to break 30min this year, although your two 5k race reports have reminded me how much 5ks hurt...) You are smoking right now! Way to kick some serious booty. Congratulations!
Great job on the PR's!!!!!
Have you considered the fact that you attract hot girls because you are a hot girl? ....give it some thought I think it could be the key.
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