This is the first race I have done in a loooooooooooooong time (since Barb's Race in August) and only my second organized 5K ever.
The first and only 5K I had run prior to this was 4 years ago at the same convention with the same friend. Three miles was a longish run for me then.
The first and only 5K I had run prior to this was 4 years ago at the same convention with the same friend. Three miles was a longish run for me then.

I guess I was hoping it would tell all the other runners, "I know I am sucking ass today, but look, I ran a marathon at some point in my life."
As I said, lame.
We line up and head out. Many people bolt from the start like there was free pizza at the turn around (there wasn't. I checked) and I just trotted along warming up and enjoying the perfect running weather. My head was feeling better and I was breathing pretty well.
Then something happened that never happens to me. I got competitive. I started picking people off and pushing hard to beat people. I have pushed to beat a time before and maybe beat a particularly irritating person, but typically I do not get rabid about beating people in races because, let's be honest, I can't beat many people.
It was a little fun, but it also reminded me why I prefer long, slow runs; running fast hurts (ok, fast-ish). At heart, I am a marathoner. A trots along-chatting-and-taking pictures marathoner.
Final time: 29:10 PR
Woah! Great job! i better hope you aren't out there for any of *my* 5Ks.
Trotting along and taking pictures... now you're my kind of runner!!!
You beat my PR by 17 secs.
BTW, you're totally skinnier than Skinny Bitch in that picture.
I have to agree with Pam F. Who is the skinny one? :) Thanks for sharing.
I am hungering for a sub-30 5K finish this year and am therefore completely green with envy right now.
BTW...I just read your last post...You are awesome RBR and happy 19!
I've never run a 5k in under 30 minutes. Good job girl! ;)
Isn't it cool to answer the question of "what was your time?" with a "twen..." instead of a "thir..."?
ROCK ON, BITCH! Nice job!
And yes, you're totally way skinnier in the photo and fabulously adorable, tan hat included.
Whoa! PR, baby! WTG!
And way to bury the lede. When you PR, you're supposed to title your post: "I PR'd Today!"
Congratulations! Imagine how you'd've done without the head cold!
Sweet job with the PR. You are a much better person than I. Once I started running mrathons, the thought of doing a 5K was, well, let's just say, unappealing.
Congrats on the PR! They always seem to come when we feel our worst! I woke 2 days ago with a head cold too and am praying it doesn't move south to the chest. I am scheduled for a "shit-load" of swings today.....hopefully my workout will go as well as your 5K with a cold did!
Happy Easter!
Congratulations on the PR! You're looking fabulous, by the way. I had to recheck the numbers because that picture, you look like the skinny bitch. I am totally with you on the "approved picture" thing. I've even "untagged" myself in photos of me that others have posted on Facebook if they make me look like crap.
Great job on the run!
Welcome back to racing and congrats on the PR for RBR.
All the best,
ZOMG, sister! I totally spaced on that brutal and impolite Fallopian tube-punching I ungenteely threatened you with, and hence, missed it during The Great Impolite Comment Purge of Early April. I supposed there's no point in my purging it now - it's already made its way around town.
Let's call it a mulligan.
No more impolite comments for the rest of April.
So post 'em if you got 'em! This offer expires in 25 days ...
Woo-hoo! PR! And I couldn't track the Walrus Girl waddle by pictures of your ass taken by the Hubble telescope (sorry, just had to take over for Glaven).
So many positive things to say!
First: NICE PR! I mean...very nice! Like watch out because you are fast!
Second: You might need to reconsider who the skinny bitch is. You look pretty hawt in the middle there. Like Misty said, I had to recheck the numbers several times to ensure that we were talking about the same persons.
Third: I am just generally impressed with you! No real reason. Hope you don't mind, but I am telling people that you are my friend (and I don't mean that I am saying that under my breath either!)
You are rocking it out there!
Keep it up!
Had to check: you're PR's less than twice mine (15:28), but yours is a heckuva lot more recent!
HELL YES BIATCH A PR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woo hoo!!! I do agree, I love to chat and take pics and you feel like you cant do that in a 5K but a PR...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so stoked you got out there and ran a 5k and got a PR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, I realize I've gone a bit overboard with the exclamation points so I'll stop after saying WOO HOO A PR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm coming to SF and running the Half with my sister and niece (who are flying in from England to run their first ever Half marathons!!!)) We must have dinner!!! And wear pink!!!
You still have one more 5k in ya, this weekend at SJSU! Good job on the PR
Great job on the PR!! Woohooo!
who is that skinny bitch wearing #153 standing next to skinny bitch? Congrats on the PR, yeah!
NICE PR! My goal is a sub-30... so good job!
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