I am late posting my totals, but they are at least better than the pitiful October totals.
Just to remember the shame...
October 2008
Run: 79.5 miles
Bike: 32 miles
Swim: 0 yards
Now these are better, but still not great...
November 2008
Run: 85.3 miles
Bike: 168.0 miles
Swim: 0 yards (ummm....yeah.)
I have been a busy little planner bee with respect to the coming months, and I decided to do something crazy like run race plans by my coach (I kind of forgot to tell her about CIM. Oops! She was like, "You are running a marathon on Sunday?!" And probably not in a good way)
Race/Training Plans Spring 2009, aka "Holy shit! I am doing an Ironman in 6 months" And because I am a total geek I am going to list who I get to race with! (There are links to the race websites over to the right --->under my 2009 schedule if any sound fun to you!)
March 1: Napa Valley Marathon Back to the the scene of the crime!! The marathon that made me love marathons!
Fellow Napanian Racers: Julia (from Bizz Johnson) Claire (from training run with Badass Helen), I heard rumors that Julianne is considering it as well!
March 14: Solvang Century 100 mile Ride
Fellow Solvangite Riders: LA Run Buddy and Izzac (Formulaic) and his lovely bride, Kelly
April 4: Cinderella Classic Challenge 100 mile Ride This is an all women's ride that is local and has a training group to help you get ready for it. I am kind of excited (cautiously so, after my first ride with the cycle touring club and the tri club) Hopefully I will finally find some people to ride with!
Fellow Fairy Princesses: none, hoping to convince Run Buddy
April 19: Rage 1/2 Iron Distance Triathlon Scary, is about all I have to say.
Fellow Ragers: STEF!!! so excited! And hopefully LA Run Buddy!!
April 26: Big Sur International Marathon I have always held this as a marathon that only hardcore people do. I don't know if that is true, but I never felt like it was for people like me. I am pretty excited to do it.
Fellow Big Suronians: New Mexico Cindy!! (she is taking a blog hiatus, so now she is New Mexico Cindy since I can't link :o) ) I keep trying to woo Willie into it, but he is being stubborn! Something about me choosing IMCdA over Redman. Boy, he can hold a grudge! ;o)
May 31: Auburn Olympic Distance Triathlon The half is billed as the "World's Toughest Half" and my coach agrees. I am opting for the olympic distance since this is 3 weeks out from CdA.
Fellow Auburnites: Julia and Claire
June 21: Ironman Coeur d'Alene Christ. I don't know if I am ready to even think about this as reality yet.
Fellow Ironmaniacs: IRON JANE!! and Izzac (Forumalic) except in linking to his blog I read THIS which is SO MUCH COOLER!!
All I can really say is - WOW! - You have quite a 2009 lined up.
Now for the fun stuff. Go make it happen! :-)
Wow! You have to rock the IMCDA course and tell me about it. I'm headed there in 2010. Safe training!
Oh hell to the yeah! I nearly had a stroke when you said you were coming here to do Rage. As you know from the email I sent you -- LOL!
Your 2009 looks awesome! I can't wait to watch you be great. :)
Thx for your post on my blog and you're right...I've heard so many horror stories it's nice to get some good news out of it.
Here's to your success in 2009!
You've got a very busy 2009! I'm planning on doing Big Sur, too!
I so feel like an underachiever right now!!!!
Maybe we'll get to run in a race sometime in the new year!!
Someone is going to rock 2009!
I know someone in the AT program that is doing the Cinderella ride.
Hope you had a nice weekend!
Nice year planned-I can't wait to sit down and plan mine! Did you finally get out and run or what???
You start swinging some kettlebells, then you'll be a real hard ass and could take this cold weather! LOL! I can't wait till tank top weather again to show off my hot shoulders and arms from the kb workouts!
Thanks for the comments!
I was going to tell you that you should check out Kelly and Formulaic's blog b/c I don't think she'll be riding the Solvang century with you. :D
Looks like a great race schedule. Although it TOTALLY cracks me up that you forgot to tell your coach you were doing a marathon. Oh hai.
I wish we could come do Rage with y'all or Big Sur or PG or something!! If we win the lottery, we are SO back on your side of the country for an event. Until then, I'll just have to read about them on your blog!!
Your race calendar looks great! I need to start my 2009 planning.
whoa, that's going to be a LONG spring! Rock it out! my 2009 is going to be much later and much shorter (only 1 half iron in november). everything else is sprint/oly tri's and one marathon.
Ok, I think I need to actually get my act together and start getting my 2009 plans on paper.
Unfortunatly the funds don't look like I will make it to your part of the country, but the way you write I know I will be able to live through you. Especially CDA, that is one race I want to do someday so...I can't wait to hear all about it!
You had me scared when I read the Auburn Triathlon.
"World Toughest triathlon"! Holy crap she's gonna kill herself!
Thankfully you pointed out it was a Oly
So...Any thought about King of the Mountain (speaking of Killing yourself)
Looks like you have a pretty good plan for 2009.
I think Napa Marathon sounds awesome. I would hope that they have wine station aid every two miles.
Wow...that is a no-joke race schedule! I'm sure you'll rock it...I've come to expect that from you!
Looks like an ambitious schedule! Sounds fun.
Wow, you really got your 2009 mapped out! All those races sound awesome. I am definitely thinking about the Napa Valley and maybe even the Big Sur!! I have heard that the Big Sur is a tough one. But I would LOVE to have one of their shirts. I think I am running for the wrong reason. Hehe.
Wow, and that's only through June!
Very cool you get to meet up with a lot of blogger folks. Hey, if you're not doing anything in November, why not sign up for B2B :-)
WOW! You've got a lot going on in the next few months. That's so great! I personally would die. ;). I can't wait to hear about them all. I love how you post your monthly mileage too. Very cool!
I would suggest not doing 2 marathon prior to the IM, as you don't want to hurt yourself or burn yourself out. Remember, you are running another marathon in the IM, not to mention the other stuff. I know you want to do a billion marathons in your life, but look at CdA as your A race. Also, since you already are a strong runner, you might want to focus on more swimming and biking than marathoning.
(no...seriously....looks like a great year you've got planned!)
Wow!!! Very impressive. And I am so excited you will be here for Rage and we finally get to meet :-)I won't be doing it but I make a very good cheerleader!!
Yes, and as Calyx pointed out I sadly wont be biking with you. I have to miss out on all the fun stuff! But hey, next year I will be back.
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