Race Report: Skyline Ridge Trail 1/2 Marathon, April 19, 2008
Alternative title: Holy shit! That was hard
I would like to start this race report with the observation that whomever measured the total climb at 1600 feet should seriously consider rehab for their OBVIOUS crack problem.
My Garmin reported the total climb at 3253'. Yep.
Here is the elevation chart.

You can now imagine how happy I was at various stages of this
Other aspects of this race that added to my enjoyment today:
1. it was freezing cold and the wind was whipping harder than I have EVER run in. One little tiny thing that was running ahead of me, seriously, almost got blown off the trail. I ran in my long sleeve shirt, windbreaker, gloves and ear warmers for the entire race.
2. the first 3 miles I had stomach issues that made me MISERABLE. I have never been so close to bailing on a race before. At mile 2 I had decided to bail out and do the 10K. At mile 3.1 I would have bailed sooner than 10K if I could have, but I was already at the turnaround, so I had to go back 3.1 miles anyway.
I felt better at mile 6 and decided, fuck it, DFL > DNF ("dead fucking last" is greater than "did not finish".) I am going for it. I had to chant that in my head to keep from turning around or going to the road to hitch a ride to my car, for the next 7 miles.
3. I was an IDIOT and did not fill up my water bottles at the aid station at mile 10 (the aide station was supposed to be at mile 9.5 at the top of a steep as f%$* hill. An extra 0.5 mile at that point was SUPER awesome) therefore I ran out of water at mile 11. Rock on.
4. the woman that came in 1 second ahead of me DID NOT go all the way up to the turnaround! It was an out and back on a single track trail. I passed her and NEVER saw her again until I caught her at the end. Does she think I am an idiot? Then as her friend was telling her that she (the friend) didn't make the whole course then she (the bitch that pretended to do the entire race) says, "I know! She (meaning me) and I were neck and neck the whole time." Really? By "neck and neck" you must mean I slogged out the last brutal mile and half climb to the turnaround and you bailed and walked back, then I caught you again.
5. they ran out of small shirts (even though I ordered one), but when you finish that late you have to take what you can get. Since I thought they were going to have packed up and left by time I got in and I wouldn't get a shirt at all, I guess it was ok.
Alright, stop bitching now tell us some good stuff.
1. It WAS as beautiful as billed. Pictures: They are not great, but considering how miserable I was, it was hard to get the concept of 'pretty'.
2. I passed these two youngsters at mile 12.7, much to their chagrin. They were actively trying to stay ahead of the crazy old lady in the pink jacket. Picture the last time they were ahead of me.
2. I finished. I finished in 3:08:04 (MUCH better than I thought considering). I wasn't DFL, but I was pretty damn close.
3. I earned 22 WW activity points (that is more than the 21 I get for the entire day.)
WOW! You sure endured girl Kudos 4 that! Way to go on all those hills! We are pretty much totally flat down here - have to go hunt for hills. There a a few tiny ones in a city park nearby that I need to go check out other than that have to travel at least 1/2 hour+ away to find any and they are sooooo little compared to yours! We live only about 45 minutes north of New Orleans and as the whole world knows now NO is below sea level. Am going to go write my 5k race report now. Didn't take pics along way like you but my race was so short and all I was able to focus on was my shoes and heavy breathing. I think I should get a tee made that says Krewe of Heavy Breathers :o)! You're an inspiration! So glad you finished. i agree DFL is > DNF!
Tater (tryingNtriing)
Doesn't sound like a fun race for you. Hey you finished though! Forget the cheater, it's her loss she's only cheating herself and bringing down our sport in the process but again, it's her loss in the end.
On the plus side the pictures look fabulous! Except for the rare, mean-faced RBR sighting. I'll chock that up to another reason to move to California.
Thanks for the recommend on the massage, I never thought of that. I think there is a sports clinic close by.
What a course! And in the cold! And with cheaters! Go RBR for seriously toughing it out!!!!!! I love the wonderful pictures you take. Thanks for your fantastic race reports (even on races that were not so fantastically enjoyable at the time). Hope you have your feet up and are taking a rest day!
Cold? Was it nice? oh cold......how I wish my race this weekend will be in the cool weather-but alas I feel it might be warm!
I bet the cheater feels bad now!!! Ha! You kicked ass on the hill! Looks beautiful-I've heard that's a pretty run! but seriously-where was the smile???
My trail half is this weekend and I am pretty sure I will be DFL.
Hey there! Cheaters suck, I mean how can you honestly feel good about yourself after having cheated?!?! I saw a cheater in a half marathon I ran, I was so tired I wanted to yell out, but I didn't.
You are the best, my friend. Your story of hills scare me. WTG on sticking it out.
BTW, I'm getting very nervous about the marathon, and I have absolutely NO energy or desire to run at all. I am going to force these runs in my taper. Thanks for adding my upcoming races on your page!
Wow, what a tough race!! Way to go hanging in there with the cold and stomach issues. I think I would have had stomach issues just from all that climbing!
As for the woman who didn't run the entire course, someday she'll get her due. All that matters is that you did the whole thing and finished -- CONGRATS!!!
You have major stamina girl!
Just wanted to stop by and give you a hoorah before SIT. Sooo bummed I won't be there. But I'll see you at an event one of these days.
~ Tara
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