I have been looking for an excuse to go see the cutest baby in the free world
Oh yeah, and his parents and a few other AWESOME Nevadans! Well, our very own Ms. IronJane has provided just the right excuse
17 hours ago
"...In the end, people either have excuses or experiences; reasons or results; buts or
brilliance. They either have what they wanted or they have a detailed list of all the rational reasons why not."
~ Anonymous (taken from Matt Erbele's, It Takes Time to Get Good)
"makes my ovaries hurt"........that was funny!
I wish I had some "extra" cash around to do a race outside of my state-that would be so fun, but then again, if I had some "extra" cash, there would be a pretty new bike under my ass!!
I might just have to join you for that one! Any excuse to go to Sin City.
this race sounds so fun and lots of people are doing it!! however its the day of CIM which i LOVE :) vegas will be sooooo fun! yay for you having ANOTHER marathon scheduled!
see you later today :) :) :)
No pressure though, right?
So will we get a race report on this one or "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas"?
No pressure...
I did that one. Is it in November? Baboo and I did the Las Vegas marathon. He was dressed as Elvis, and I as Pricilla. The running Elvi get their very own start corral near the start line and a cool introduction. It's awesome. The course is a bit boring, but the weather is nice and it's well-supported. I had a great time.
adorable! that race is going to be super fun. best of luck to you all. can't wait for all the running reports in the fall/winter.
I've never been to Vegas before. Not much of a drinker or gambler (actually 'not at all' would be a better term), but I'm up for eating my weight at those all you can eat buffets.
We are dressing up, right?
I'm thinking now of how to convert a costume into run-friendly.
that picture is adorable!
so are you going for the 1/2 or the full? :)
Oh my gosh - a guy at work just had a baby. I begged him to please give me the baby but he wouldn't. I have to wait for grandchildren at this point, I guess. Hmph!
OH YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY (YES, I am jumping up and down right now...as I write...cuz I'm gonna be there...I've already registered!!!!!!)
Nice! that is a cute baby pic. it makes my ovaries hurt too. and i think we have the same bunny.
that's a good marathon to target. have fun with it!
Who knew that a T4 bacteriophage injecting its DNA into a E. coli cell could, 9 months later, produce such a beautiful result?
That's how it happens, sister.
Or do you still think it's the stork?
Pfftttt! No way! Who would ever f*ck a stork?
Seriously, have fun!
Yes that is a CUTE lil baby!
I heard Devine racing ran a bad one last year. The first place finishers couldn't cash their really big cardboard checks 6 months after the event. Elite Racing/Rock and Roll should do a great job with it.
I hope to see ya there RBR?!
Great line about how cute the baby is. I doubt there is a really good male version of that one?
Beautiful baby.
I have looked at that race. December would be perfect.
Vegas has been warned.
Now there is a song stuck in my head.
"I'm going to Vegas"
I don't even know who sings it.
Figured out what song is stuck in my head. It's by Sara Baraeilles
"But next stop, oooh, Vegas, please
Can you take me to Vegas?
I need to see Vegas"
Now I can move on. LOL
I love me some blackjack...I can wear it OUT!
Ovaries...you KILL me.
Damn! Looks like you're going to have to take a quick flight out of Memphis after you do the half marathon with ME on 12/05/09!!! You ARE coming, right? Okay, I know, just kidding. That is such a cute picture!
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