They are nothing compared to LOTS of IM athletes out there, but they are a pretty darn amazing to me.
In my training for Ironman I have:
Run: 1,015.5 miles (Total lifetime: 1696 miles)
Biked: 2,839 miles (Total lifetime: 2947 miles)
Swam: 60.95 miles (Total lifetime: 64. 2 miles)
I have compared them to my lifetime numbers for extra WOW effect. I like WOW effect. It is a little known fact that I am a bit of a drama queen. Shhh, don't tell anyone.
And in relatively new statistics (translation: I avoided hills like the plague before learning CDA had LOTS 'o hills) I have also:
Climbed: 93,984 ft on foot and bicycle.
That is like going up Mt. Everest over 3 times. Ok, it was not at altitude, nor was there any snow, and I was never at risk of an avalanche or being eaten by my fellow climbers, but still, hauling my big ass up that many feet is impressive, no?
I will be the first to admit I was not perfect in my training, or in maintaining my life while training, but completing all this while
1. doing my job and not letting my students play second fiddle to training (as much as I bitch about them, their education is infinitely more important to me than Ironman. Well, that is true for most of them anyway ;o))
2. not ending up divorced,
3. trying to let my friends know that they are important to me and that it is NOT all about me and Ironman, and
4. still making time everyday to check in on, care for, and cuddle my animal family,
This makes me pretty damn proud of myself.

(that is the most ridiculously ugly, poorly constructed, run-on sentence I have ever written. Considering the piss poor grammar level of this blog normally, that is scary. I tried to make it a list to offset the horror. My apologies to my grammatically correct friends. I hope I have not scarred you for life. )
Must get off laurel-resting ass and go run...
So that you a someone who occasionally is accused of being a grammarian (although, have you seen my blog lately?), and is gainfully employed as an English (gasp, the horror) teacher, I will let you know that your sentence includes the absolute correct use of the present participle. If anyone says otherwise, send them to me :-)
That being said, those are some amazing numbers...and that you were also teaching as you did that, is really, completely amazing.
Can my kids be in your science class one day?
HOLY F'in WOW! Serious nice numbers for your IM Training!
Your are going to get and hey it looks like it might even "shower" on you all while your there.
Nothing your not used to all ready if it does so No worries.
I cant wait to follow you all along This TIME NEXT WEEK!
Hahaha, yeah, that's WHY I'm NOT doing an ironman this year...I'd like to stay married;) It is harrrd to balance everything, really hard. You can get totally obsessed about it all. Sounds like you have it right!
Can't wait til next weekend!!!
OMG You have done a LOT of preparation for this race. I'm curious when you began planning. That's a shitload of climbing. Wow! You should be proud.
So now can someone please tell me why I should do an IM???
Holy crap, that is some serious shit on them there numbers!
I congratulate you on making sure you checked in on the animals daily! They at least don't hold our training against us!
I can't wait to hear how all this goes!
Those numbers deserve some serious praise. They are impressive by themselves, but when you compare them to lifetime....HOLY COW!!
(very nice effect btw)
You have done so much! You've learned so much! You have grow so muc (the spiritual way, not the waist way).
Good on you for the IM. You've already won!
(But need to go to the IM, just because you 'already won' doesn't mean you are off the hook :) )
i was wow'ed by your numbers, and then you had to go and throw in the 94,000 feet. incredible. i mean, i know all you have done is climb up 99% grades but sheesh! let me know when you get to the moon.
congrats on all the intense training! home stretch to the big day - can't wait!
(now i'm going to need to monitor my sentences better and make sure i am not running-on. i can only imagine you reading and steaming about it!)
One word - WOW!!
Wow, RBR - you should get a medal just for being able to balance life's other activities with IM training!
Just found your blog through Aron's, and since I'm new to triathlon, thought for sure I'd find a lot of knowledge and inspiration as you're training for Ironman, and given your numbers, apparently I've come to the right place! WOW!
Holy sweat ratio batman!! Those are some serious numbers girl!! Kick some asphalt in CDA!! What is your bib number!!?? I wanna track you this weekend after my 4.5 hour bike!! Take care...god speed...I know this will be an amazing experience for you and thank you for commenting on my're the best!!!
Those are some stats, lady! I think you should be proud indeed...and there's nothing wrong with resting for a wee bit, just as long as you DO keep on keepin' on!
Wow, VERY impressive numbers! My IM/lifetime ratios in 2006 were similar but the total volume was not even close to yours in biking and swimming. Clearly, you are much better prepared than I was.
Can't wait to follow you next weekend!
Holy freaking CRAP those are some serious numbers!! And yea I'm freaking out that it's race week and I'm not even racing this week.
Ok. I will be supporting you (along with our awesome buddy Johnny Tri) next week as I obsess in front of the computer! You will be GREAT I can't wait to witness it!
That mileage is ridiculous and yet awesome at the same time. I cannot wait to hear all about the race. I'm so excited for you!!!
wow, those are some seriously high numbers. that's a ton of biking!@ i'm impressed, girl. it shows how ready you are for this weekend.
You've had one hell of a training cycle! Following your journey has been so inspiring to me.
I wish you lots of luck this weekend-you got this!
Along with your 'Run, Bitch, Run' motto I sometimes chant to myself when I feel I can't go on another motto I stole from a fellow blogger/runner MUB--MAN UP BITCH!
Can't wait to report your full race report!
Newbie to your blog, but love it! The title alone wins points in my book. Will definitely follow with interest!
good luck in the big race! Can't wait to read all about it!
Wow--you are my hero!!
Not sure if you will be posting again before the big dance - but wanted to let you know that I'll be thinking of you and checking up on you the whole time you're out there on the course (oh the wonders of the internet!).
Go get 'em!
Go RBR GO! I know you will do it! I will think of you for inspiration as I do my first sprint tri this weekend.
GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!! I'll be cheering you on while sitting on my bottom. GO KICK ASS!
...And by "tomorrow" I mean Sunday. Having Friday off just f's with my internal clock. I'm a dumbass. GOOD LUCK!!
Run Bitch RUN! ...see YOU on the flip side;)
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