"...In the end, people either have excuses or experiences; reasons or results; buts or
brilliance. They either have what they wanted or they have a detailed list of all the rational reasons why not."

~ Anonymous
(taken from Matt Erbele's, It Takes Time to Get Good)

Friday, January 11, 2008


Better today. Thank you to all of you that left kind comments and to those of you who stopped by but didn't know what to say, I totally understand. What can you say about something like this? School is consumed with the loss and I am going to keep this about weightloss, health, and learning to take care of myself. That sounds seriously selfish, but it is what it is.

So, back to our regular programming...

It is Friday. Whoo hoo! I am looking forward to having two days off. Mission Impossible made for a long week, and I will enjoy a break. My hubby is going to Monterey and my run buddy is going to Tahoe, so I guess I am soloing it this weekend. After my 11 mile run tomorrow I foresee a serious slugfest this weekend!

none. rest day
HR monitor: Total calories burned (0 cal)

11 mile run tomorrow Yikes! I don't know why but I am seriously dreading the run tomorrow. I think that is why I but the bullet and signed up for the 13 mile trail run. I need to run some different places, and unfortunately, with some different people. My run buddy isn't really running much and, other than a mile here or there, I run alone now. I know it is unrealistic to think we will run all of our runs together, but this feels like the end of an era. We started this together over 2 and half years ago, so it is a little sad. We are still great friends and I know we will do events and training together, it is just won't be ALL of our training and ALL of our events, like in the past.

Weigh in
I am actually going to go weigh in tomorrow. I will let you know how it goes.

English muffin & jam/coffee (155 cal)
(1) 1/2 Cliff Bar (Had to only eat half. Damn thing has 200 calories!)/coffee/(2) almonds & snack pack of dried plums (285 cal)
JC Chicken Fettuccine/apple (315 cal)
salad w/ JC dressing & croutons (150 cal)
JC Turkey Dinner (270 cal)
yogurt & 1/4 c. cereal (150 cal)

total calories in: 1140 cal
total calories burned from exercise: 0 cal

1 comment:

Southbaygirl said...

Hey RBR...sorry to hear you've lost your running buddy! I would only have a running buddy for one run and then bam-they'd find some excuse not to run with me! But my dog never complains! And is always there! Gotta love the four-legged running partners! We're starting our training for the Nashville Half! I've persuaded my college roommate to run it with me-I'm in California and she's in Maryland-a little long distance training together-ha! So I think we're going to start a training blog-so that we can motivate each other from afar!