"...In the end, people either have excuses or experiences; reasons or results; buts or
brilliance. They either have what they wanted or they have a detailed list of all the rational reasons why not."

~ Anonymous
(taken from Matt Erbele's, It Takes Time to Get Good)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Thursday Buddy Run 8/16/07

Thu, 16 Aug 2007 19:19
Thursday Buddy Run 8/16/07

My buddy and I met at 6 am. I felt like crapola and so did my run buddy. TOM has come to visit with a vengenance for me and she is going through some big life stuff. We decided to get coffee first and after talking it through we decided to start our run around 7:00 am. I only ran 5 miles( I had planned to run 6 before TOM had announced his visit), but since I in my stinko mood I was going to run 0 miles I guess it isn't so bad.

After the run I had major cramps so I have been hanging out at the house all day. I cleaned out my dresser drawers so I have room to buy some new school clothes. I have not bought any clothes in a long time because I have been unhappy with my weight. I got rid of all the worn out and out of style clothes I wish I could say I got rid of the clothes that were too big, but there aren't any. Hmmm... obviously I was wearing my clothes WAY too tight. I refused to buy bigger clothes so I can only imagine how horrible it was. *shudders at thought of horrified children hiding their shocked faces*

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