Ok, with is a slight exaggeration. I met them at a parking lot, we all left that parking lot at the same time, and that was pretty much the extent of the with for the day.
I had a feeling when all the Cervelos, Felts, and Guru's showed up I was in trouble. They kept saying "don't worry we are taking it easy today", "this is an off season ride" , and "stay in the back with me. I am slow." To which I say, BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT, and BULLSHIT.
I did make one friend, a girl that was riding in the back with me after the entire group dropped us like a bad habit in the first 2 miles. She said, "I'll stick with you if you stick with me."
Here we are after the ride

Isn't she a cutie? This is EXACTLY what she looked like to me for the majority of the 31 mile ride
She dropped me approximately 43 seconds after she told me she would stick with me. Apparently, what she actually meant was that I should stick with her if I was faster, but she could drop me like a used condom if she was faster.
One poor schlub would wait for me at each turn (probably the guy that drew the short straw at the last club meeting) so I didn't get lost. But, really, if I am going to ride alone anyway I would prefer that one person not be forced to wait for me, show me the turn, and then immediately drop me again.
Super awesome ride. Really, I can't wait to do it again.